I'm standing in line right now for auditions for the national tour of Ghost The Musical.

Since I've moved to the city, I've only done a couple of auditions and they were all appointments, meaning no waiting in line necessary. However, most auditions aren't this way for Non-equity people like me. It usually entails us waiting in line at 6am, and maybe not being seen by the casting people until noon or later. And even then, they are only asking for 16 bars of music, meaning your audition could be under a minute long before they say "alright, thank you so much for coming in" and you leave wondering what just happened.

This is actually my first open call where I got up at 5:45 to stand in line. There's a website, Audition Update, that people post where they are in line and how many people are there and information about who got callbacks. The website is extremely helpful, and has allowed me to not go to auditions when I wake up at 8am and read there are already 200 people in line and they might not being seeing non equity.

Thankfully this tour is only non equity so I at least have a small chance of being considered for it, even though I have no tour experience. I'm just proud of myself for waking up and getting here in the first place.

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